tudent Life at Furtah Preparatory School is considered just as important a learning tool as an educational curriculum. It is this interaction among our students, from the youngest to the oldest, that really can make a difference in their everyday lives.
We cherish our students as people, and as such we strive to educate the whole student: academically, socially, spiritually, and overall to provide a safe haven, a family away from home. It is our goal as a school to teach our students not only about school, but about the real world too.
Our activities that we offer are guided by our faculty, from athletics to extra-curricular activities, and through each we try to provide an opportunity for leadership and involvement. Some of our activities include parent leadership and offer community-based involvement.
We are always looking to expand our network of community service, and to teach our students to give back. If you have a club or a service you would like to spearhead, please contact the front office and let us know how you can help.